{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}ruthholladay.com{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% load comments %} {% load post_extras %}

{{ object.post_title }} {% if perms.blog.add_post %} edit {%endif%}

Dateline: {{ object.post_issue_date|date:"D d M Y"}}



{% get_comment_list for object as comment_list %} {% for comment in comment_list %}
{% ifequal comment.user None%} {{comment.user_name}} [unverified] said:


{%else%} {{comment.user}} [Member] said:



{%endfor%} {% if object.comments_not_expired %}
{% load comments %} {% get_comment_form for object as form %}
{# This stuff is hidden by default #} {{ form.content_type }} {{ form.object_pk }} {{ form.timestamp }} {{ form.security_hash }} {# This stuff isn't hidden by default - the stuff we want#} {% if user.is_authenticated %} {% else %}
{{ form.name.errors }}

{{ form.email.errors }}

{{ form.url.errors }}

{% endif %} {# Default/global stuff #}
*Required field(s). Your email address will not be published.

Comments are closed. {%endif%}

{% endblock %}